Saturday, February 17, 2007

i forget

funny how great ideas always show up in clusters for moment i am stoned stupid and staring at the wall and the next i suddenly know the answers, or at least the questions(which are sometimes more revealing in themselves than the answers they propogate)...spending so much time trying to decide what it is that i want to do i forget that i'm doing it and as i learn to look at the ground beneath my feet i can feel the sky eversomuch more...still, i do tend to get vision locked on the moon...but, projects rise like the sun on an ellipse that always lands right back in my lap before picking up velocity and orbitting back out into the universe again, to change shape and size once again and show up transformed to reflect me back to myself...anyhow, the leaves are falling as i type, the trees get chilled without their jackets, but the sun knows this and shines extra warm...the raindrops left from this morning have all been absorbed back up into the earth and sky and i think i'll have a second cup of joe

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Your writing is beautiful and relaxing. I couldn't agree more with this part "spending so much time trying to decide what it is that i want to do i forget that i'm doing it". This happens to me a lot! Thanks for the breathe of fresh air.